Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Meet the Florida Office of Drug Control

Have you ever pondered on the question, â€Å"who is responsible for monitoring drug trends in Florida? † The Florida office of Drug Control was established to address the current issue of drug abuse in the state. The major goal was to ‘protect our youth from substance abuse. ’ The collaboration of this institution with the Department of Law Enforcement, Department of Education, Department of Children and Families, Prevention Coalitions, and Treatment Providers has enabled a prevention strategy to be successfully developed. The latest trends in this field have been used.The three strategic approaches which should be used are Prevention, Treatment and Law Enforcement. There is nothing better than preventing youth from the troubles of substance abuse. With the help of key stake holders, a strategic approach has been used to prevent youth from trying illegal substances. There are six key elements in the prevention of substance abuse: individuals, family, friends, sch ool, community and the society. The second approach used is treatment. There are many individuals who are already addicted. Fortunately, there are ways to get addicts out of their bad habits.Many treatments have been proven to be very effective to help overcome this difficult way of life. Partnership with treatment centers has increased treatment availability for those who need it. The Office of Drug Control’s main priority is to decrease the supply and demand for illegal substances in Florida State. With the help of Law enforcement department the drug issue is easily addressed. The Office of Drug Control has been involved in some initiatives, which include Florida Gang Reduction Strategy, and Methamphetamine. The Florida Gang Reduction Strategy is a program to discourage our youth from joining criminal gangs.These gangs not only introduce teenagers to the world of drugs but also encourage them to get involved in criminal acts. Gang members put themselves in life threatening situations. They also create misery for ordinary citizens. By implementing the prevention program, Florida’s youth will be able to reject all gang activities. They will not be motivated to join after being approached by cult leaders. This strategy also attempts to stop the decreasing number of gangs by giving them an option to leave the gang and change themselves in an effective rehabilitation process.The Office of Drug Control has taken positive steps to improve the quality of living for Florida’s youth. In collaboration with the key government departments and members of the society, they have been able to point out the areas that need to be targeted, to make Florida a drug free state. Stay informed about the newest drug trends this office has been able to pin point. Get information on prescription drugs and much more. For more information about the Office of Drug Control visit www. flgov. com/drugcontrol/.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What Are in Your View the Main Principles Governing International Trade Policy

Course: International Political Economy [GT27M/ GOVT 2049] ID Number: 620033630 Name: Matthew Thomas Lecturer: Sheldon Barnes Date of Submission: 7/9/2012 Question I: What are in your view the main principles governing international trade policy in the context of the WTO and which would be the main provisions in which you find these principles reflected in the WTO agreements? Please elaborateFormed in 1995 to replace its predecessor the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade  (GATT), under the Treaty of Marrakech, The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization that deals and treats with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible. The goal of the WTO is to aid and facilitate producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business.At its core are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by a majority of the world’s trading nations and approved within their respective parliaments. These principles aid in the efficient government of international trade policy ensuring that all signatories adhere to the contract they are bind to, by this governments are now required to create national trade policies transparent by notifying the WTO about present laws in actions and measures implemented, and through regular reports by the secretariat on countries’ trade policies.The WTO agreements cover goods, services and intellectual property. They explain the principles of liberalisation, as well as the allowed exceptions. They include individual countries’ commitments to lower customs tariffs and other trade barriers, and to open and maintain open services markets. The agreements set procedures for settling disputes; prescribe special treatment for developing countries.The agreements of the WTO are detailed and intricate as they are legal texts that facilitate a wide range of activities such as: agriculture, cl othing and textiles, banking and finance, telecommunications, government purchases, industrial standards and product safety, food sanitation regulations, intellectual property, among others. A number of simple, fundamental principles run throughout all of these documents. These principles exist as the foundation of the international multilateral trading system.Given that the core of the WTO, especially leading out of the Doha Round of Trade Negotiations [2001- present], is to focus and adjust the concerns that are faced by developing nations; the main principles within the context of the WTO that validate international trade policy are: i) Trade without discrimination ii) Freer Trade iii) Promotion of fair competition v) Development and economic reform. These principles of international trade within the legislation of the WTO can be reflected in trade agreements drafted by the organisation.The principle of â€Å"Trade without discrimination† has two key underlying principles: Most Favoured Nation [MFN] and National Treatment [NT]. The MFN, in essence is simply treating other people equally. As legislated by WTO agreements, countries are prohibited from discrimination between their trading partners. Wherein one country is restricted from granting a particular country a special favour e. g. such as a lower customs duty rate for one of their products and this favour is not extended to all the other members of the WTO. This principle is known as Most Favoured Nation (MFN) treatment.The first article of the  General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) [1947], which is the governing legislation for the trade in goods, this article speaks to prohibition of member nations to discriminate between â€Å"like† products originating from other member nations. In Article I of the GATT it states â€Å"any advantage, favour, privilege or immunity granted by any contracting party to any product originating in or destined for any other country shall be accord ed immediately and unconditionally to the like product originating in or destined for the territories of all other contracting parties. MFN is also a focus in  Article II of General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), where it states â€Å"each Member shall accord immediately and unconditionally to services and service suppliers of any other Member treatment no less favourable than that it accords to like services and service suppliers of any other country. † Likewise Article IV on the  Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)   which states â€Å"With regard to the protection of intellectual property, any advantage, favour, privilege or mmunity granted by a Member to the nationals of any other country shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the nationals of all other Members. † The agreements in essence cover all three main areas of trade handled by the WTO and gives guidelines as how to WTO member nations execut e their trade policies. Though the essence of the MFN treatment is to permit some sense of equality among WTO signatories exceptions are permitted. For example, countries can set up a free trade agreement that applies only to goods traded within the group —    discriminating against goods from outside.Or they can give developing countries special access to their markets. Or a country can raise barriers against products that are considered to be traded unfairly from specific countries. And in services, countries are allowed, in limited circumstances, to discriminate. Though these exceptions exist, they are permitted under highly strict conditions. In essence, the MFN policy acts a facilitator to ensure that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners – regardless of their economic development.National Treatment eliminates discrimination between the products of national a nd foreign services or nationals, in this sense the protocol for national products are expected to be reciprocated to that of foreign entities. Once foreign goods enter a local market, the expectation exists that they should be treated equally as the locally-produced goods. This expectation extends pass produce; it should apply to foreign and domestic services, and also foreign and local trademarks, copyrights and patents.Given that NT covers various areas of trade it is highlighted in three main WTO agreements. In Article III of the GATT it is stated that â€Å"The products of the territory of any contracting party imported into the territory of any other contracting party shall be accorded treatment no less favourable than that accorded to like products of national origin in respect of all laws, regulations and requirements affecting their internal sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation, distribution or use. Article XVII of  GATS  states that â€Å"†¦each Mem ber shall accord to services and service suppliers of any other Member, in respect of all measures affecting the supply of services, treatment no less favourable than that it accords to its own like services and service suppliers. † Article III of  TRIPS, speaks to the issue of Intellectual Property [IP] by stating that â€Å"Each Member shall ccord to the nationals of other Members treatment no less favourable than that it accords to its own nationals with regard to the protection  (3)  of intellectual property†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The three treaties highlights the areas of trade the WTO governs, from that of goods exchange, services exchange and the importance of ensuring the proper utilisation of Intellectual Property rights such as copyrighting and patenting. According to the WTO â€Å"National treatment only applies once a product, service or item of intellectual property has entered the market.Therefore, charging customs duty on an import is not a violation of national treatment even if locally-produced products are not charged an equivalent tax. † In conclusion, the â€Å"Trade without Discrimination† principle with its two underlying principles of Most Favoured Nation [MFN] and National Treatment [NT] policies The National Treatment principle constitute the two pillars of the non-discrimination principle that is widely seen as the foundation of the GATT/WTO multilateral trading regime. The concept of â€Å"Freer Trade† assists in the decrease of trade barriers which acts as an excellent facilitator for encouraging trade.Such barriers include: customs duties (or tariffs) and measures such as import bans or quotas that restrict quantities selectively; it can also span to include the decrease of other administrative barriers such as red tape- including policies of exchange rate. The WTO’s global system lowers trade barriers by means of negotiation and applies the principle of non-discrimination [MFN and NT]. This brings a bout a result of a reduction in the costs of production, as imports used in production are far cheaper; a reduction in the prices of finished goods and services, which in essence can contribute to a lower cost of living.Since the GATT’s creation in 1947, there have been  eight rounds of trade negotiations. The ninth round, under the Doha Development Agenda, is still in negotiations for the past eleven years. The initial focus was geared towards lowering tariffs on imported goods; however the 1980s, the negotiations had expanded to cover non-tariff barriers on goods, with the inclusion of areas such as services and intellectual property. As a result of the negotiations, the tariffs on industrial goods declined to less than 4%, during the mid-1990s. Opening markets can be beneficial, but it also requires adjustment.The WTO agreements allow countries to introduce changes gradually, through â€Å"progressive liberalization†. Article XIX of the GATS states â€Å"†¦w ith a view to achieving a progressively higher level of liberalization. Such negotiations shall be directed to the reduction or elimination of the adverse effects on trade in services of measures as a means of providing effective market access. This process shall take place with a view to promoting the interests of all participants on a mutually advantageous basis and to securing an overall balance of rights and obligations.The process of liberalization shall take place with due respect for national policy objectives and the level of development of individual Members, both overall and in individual sectors. There shall be appropriate flexibility for individual developing country Members for opening fewer sectors, liberalizing fewer types of transactions, progressively extending market access in line with their development situation and, when making access to their markets available to foreign service suppliers, attaching to such access conditions aimed at achieving the objectives re ferred to in Article  IV. The article clearly addresses developing countries which are usually given longer to fulfil their obligations. The principle of â€Å"Promoting fair competition†Ã‚  portrays The WTO as an instrument of not just extending mechanisms of free trade but is also a system of rules dedicated to open, fair and undistorted competition. By this, the system of the WTO permits tariffs and, in limited circumstances, other forms of protection. More accurately, it is based on the rules on non-discrimination [MFN and NT] which are designed to secure fair conditions of trade.So too are those on dumping (exporting at below cost to gain market share) and subsidies. The issues are complex, and the rules try to establish what is fair or unfair, and how governments can respond, in particular by charging additional import duties calculated to compensate for damage caused by unfair trade. By removing some market barriers The WTO has promoted competition in the global trad ing market extending it beyond the borders of WTO membership; the trading principles set by the WTO are meant to allow fair and undisturbed market competition.The WTO extends and clarifies previous GATT rules that laid down the basis on which governments could impose compensating duties on two forms of â€Å"unfair† competition: dumping and subsidies. WTO agreements are geared towards the support and maintenance of fair competition in the sectors of: agriculture, intellectual property, services. The WTO Agreement on agriculture is designed to provide increased fairness n farm trade, the agreement on intellectual property will improve conditions of competition where ideas and inventions are involved, and another will do the same thing for trade in services. The construct of the WTO contributes to development and as it encourages development and economic reform geared towards to the developmental process of developing nations. Given that notion, developing countries require an urgent sense of flexibility to effectively implement the agreements drafted by the organisation.The current agreements inherit the earlier provisions of GATT that allow for special assistance and trade concessions for developing countries. The WTO cannot claim to make all countries equal however it aids in the reduction of some inequalities; by doing this it gives smaller countries more voice, and at the same time freeing the major powers from the complexity of having to negotiate trade agreements with each of their numerous trading partners.A majority of over three quarters of the WTO membership comprise of developing countries and countries in transition to market economies. The 1986-1994 Uruguay Round saw over 60 of these countries implementing trade liberalisation programmes unconventionally. At the same time, developing countries and transition economies were much more active and influential in the Uruguay Round negotiations than in any previous round, this activeness has also transpired to the current Doha Development Agenda.Developing countries were prepared to take on most of the obligations that are required of developed countries by the end of the Uruguay Round. The agreements did grant developing nations transition periods to adjust themselves to the more stringent and arduous provisions of the WTO. The GATT has a special section on Trade and Development which speaks to provisions on the concept of non-reciprocity in trade negotiations between developed and developing countries. Both GATT and the GATS allow developing countries some measure of preferential treatment.A  ministerial decision   adopted at the end of the Uruguay Round says more developed countries should accelerate the implementation of market access commitments on goods exported by the least-developed countries, while increasing technical assistance for them. More recently, developed countries have started to allow duty-free and quota-free imports for almost all products from least -developed countries. The current Doha Development Agenda includes developing countries’ concerns about the difficulties they face in implementing the Uruguay Round agreements. ——————————————– 1 ]. The Marrakech Agreement developed out of the  General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which it includes; but it supplemented it with several other agreements, on such issues as  trade in services,  sanitary and phytosanitary (plant health) measures,  trade-related aspects of intellectual property  and  technical barriers  to trade. It also established a new, more efficient and legally binding means of dispute resolution. [ 2 ]. The Secretariat has a particular responsibility to provide technical support to developing countries, and especially the least-developed countries. 3 ]. As a result of the  Uruguay Round  negotiations the treaty was created to extend the multilateral trading system to  service sector. [ 4 ]. (NAFTA)North American Free Trade Agreement is an example of one of the most successful trade agreements in history; it has contributed to significant increases in agricultural trade and investment between the United States, Canada and Mexico and has benefited farmers, ranchers and consumers throughout North America. The Mexican-Canadian agreement eliminated most tariffs either immediately or over 5, 10, or 15 years. 5 ]. Page 248 the proliferation of rules and regulations prescribing the conduct of decision making in bureaucratic affairs (Politics Economic Welfare) [ 6 ]. The removal or reduction of restrictions or barriers on the free exchange of goods between nations. This includes the removal or reduction of both tariff (duties and surcharges) and non-tariff obstacles (like licensing rules, quotas and other requirements). The easing or eradication of these restrictions is often referred to as promoting â€Å"free trade. à ¢â‚¬  [ 7 ].GATT (Article VI) allows countries to take action against dumping. The Anti-Dumping Agreement clarifies and expands Article VI, and the two operate together. They allow countries to act in a way that would normally break the GATT principles of  binding  a tariff and  not discriminating  between trading partners — typically anti-dumping action means charging extra import duty on the particular product from the particular exporting country in order to bring its price closer to the â€Å"normal value† or to remove the injury to domestic industry in the importing country. 8 ]. The WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures disciplines the use of subsidies, and it regulates the actions countries can take to counter the effects of subsidies. Under the agreement, a country can use the WTO’s dispute-settlement procedure to seek the withdrawal of the subsidy or the removal of its adverse effects. Or the country can launch its own investig ation and ultimately charge extra duty (â€Å"countervailing duty†) on subsidized imports that are found to be hurting domestic producers. 9 ]. This is a procedure when developed countries grant trade concessions to developing countries they should not expect the developing countries to make matching offers in return. [ 10 ]. The URUGUAY ROUND AGREEMENT: â€Å"Decision on Measures Concerning the Possible Negative Effects of the Reform Programme on Least-Developed and Net Food-Importing Developing Countries†

Monday, July 29, 2019

Aer Lingus

Aer Lingus is the national airline of Ireland. It is headquartered at Dublin Airport, Ireland. †¢The airline operates 43 aircraft and carries on average 10 million passengers per annum. †¢The airlines primary mission is to connect Ireland with the world and the world to Ireland by offering its customers the best product in the Irish airline market at a competitive price. The airline’s primary markets are Ireland, the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States. The Irish people typically undertake several overseas flights a year. This is partly driven by Ireland’s status as an island nation but also reflects the inherent propensity among the Irish to travel to visit overseas destinations. tgp2012 1 Marketing orientation Marketing orientation In 2001 after the 9/11 effect on the airline industry Aer Lingus introduces their first model of low fares to compete with other low fare In 2001 after the 9/11 effect on the airline industry Aer Lingus introduces their first model of low fares to compete with other low fare airlines. The airline was close to bankruptcy and they had to find new waysairlines. how to keep the company afloat. They carried out numerous to see The airline was close tosurveys within the industry to find new what was needed/wantedtheorder to prosper. They carried out numerous bankruptcy and they had to identify ways to see how to keep in company afloat. So after the initial surveys they lowered their fares and altered/removed/added new destinations. Since prosper. ompany’s marketing surveys within the industry to identify what was needed/wanted in order to then the So after the initial surveys they loweredupdated/upgraded many times putting the customer in theSince then the company’s marketing orientation has been their fares and altered/removed/added new destinations. driving seat. orientation has been updated/upgraded many times putting the customer in the driving seat. Marketing mix Marketing mix

Interpretation of accounts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Interpretation of accounts - Assignment Example It is a growth company that has been continually expanding organically, except for a few strategic cases that involved buying out existing retailers in the certain foreign markets. (Tesco website) In July 2009, the company has been under fire since the consumer watchdog, the Office of Fair Trading, claimed to have gathered new evidence that pointed towards Tesco’s involvement in fixing the prices of milk, butter and cheese. This investigation has begun four and a half years ago and the issue had slipped the public’s notice until recently when this development came about. (Ridder 2009) Unlike Tesco, J Sainsbury plc already owned that it was indeed an accomplice in the dairy price-fixing scheme that caused the public shoppers to be overcharged by  £270 million (Ridder 2009). Setting this unbecoming matter aside, Sainsbury has not ceased to focus on establishing its brand based on the goodwill that emanates from their consistency in providing â€Å"healthy, safe, fresh and tasty food.† Like Tesco, Sainsbury has managed to have a profitable year in spite of the adverse impact of the significantly lowered consumer confidence and average spending capacity in UK. As the country’s third largest grocery retailer, Sainsbury is currently not keen on expansion plans. It is, instead, set on further improving its operational efficiency to be able to report increasing profits even if the economy fails to improve this year and the next. Having been operating for the last 140 years, Sainsbury can rightfully claim to have an extensive client base that has been loya l not only to the company’s food stores but also to its subsidiary bank that offers savings and loans packages. (Sainsbury website) Based on above tabulation, Sainsbury’s operations turn out to be more manpower-intensive than Tesco’s. Sainsbury has in its employ an average of 123 people for each store, while Tesco has 109. Needless to say, the latter has the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

360 Degree Performance Morgan Stanley Case Study

360 Degree Performance Morgan Stanley - Case Study Example The problems at Stanley Morgan are associated with the improper assessment of the personnel of the company. The new system that is going to be implemented should resolve a lot of the inefficiency of the old system. I do not think that the problems the company faces are a symptom of a larger problem. An immediate issue that needs to be address is to ensure that the new evaluation system does not promote individualism over teamwork. â€Å"Teams are groups of people who work actively together to achieve a purpose for which they are all accountable† (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2003, pg. 192). The new evaluation system does not have the capability to differentiate between team skills and personal abilities of the workers. Team skills are a valuable ability for an employee to have due to the shift way from individualism in the corporate world. The new strategic direction of Morgan Stanley is geared towards being able to fully access the performance of the employees in order to maximize the capabilities of the workers of the firm. The new system will directly impact over 2,000 employees at Morgan Stanley. Strategic planning is critical to the success of a business because it describes where your company wants to go (Pirraglia, 2012). The morale of the employees is an important factor to monitor at Morgan Stanley. Three ways to improve employee morale are to keep employees feeling like work is more than just a job in an effort to keep enthusiasm high, creatively celebrate accomplishments, and allowing employees the freedom to pursue projects they are passionate about (Erb, 2012). Keeping the morale of the workers at the company high is very important because unmotivated workers with low morale typically are less productive employees. The job performance of the employees of a firm is the responsibility of the managerial staff

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association of United States vs. State Essay

Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association of United States vs. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company - Essay Example The issue of Modified Standard 208 by the ordinance of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) made the incorporation of passive restraints such as air bags and passive seatbelts mandatory in all automobiles manufactured after September 1982 to ensue better public as well as occupant safety. However, before this new regulation could come into effect, a new Secretary of Transportation assumed office and the implementation of the Standard was delayed for one year. NHTSA, then, called a public hearing after reopening the rulemaking process, where forth the Modified Standard 208 was retracted. Their claim stated that the utilitarian values of air bags and passive seatbelts are no longer justifiable in automobile security given, questioning the benefits of passive restraints. However, this withdrawal of the rule indicated that the decision was not a result of the proven ineffectiveness of passive restraints but rather one based on the interests of large automobile companies . As was duly shown, a staggering 99% of the motor vehicle industry was at that time incorporating automatic seatbelts into their models that could be easily detached. Motor Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association (MVMA) of United States demanded a court review of the rulemaking on parameters less ‘arbitrary and capricious’. ... Cutler presented his argument gusto, clarity backed by relevant statistics and figures to show that the public reception of passive restraints were not only negative but that detachable seatbelts, in cases of accidents, were safer to the occupant. I find both sides were convincing and clear enough in presenting their points. The questions by the judges were crucial, and to some extent, indicated a slight incredulity towards the justification of the repealing of the restrictive regulation stipulated under Standard 208. The court was to review and issue a ruling based on whether â€Å"facts found and the choices made† were relational or truly â€Å"arbitrary and capricious†. The court ruled the facts directing the previous rescinding to be insufficient and inconclusive in indicating that passive restraints were not preventive of accidents. I believe, to an extent, the agency’s decision to rescind the Standard may have been a result of bureaucratic politics, a natur al consequence of the change of power as the new Secretary of Transportation assumed office. However, it is indubitable that the court could find no â€Å"direct evidence† to justify the retraction of the Standard 208 and was unbiased in its ruling. Impact and Significance The historical Marbury vs. Madison case of 1803 initiated a momentous change in the US legal system by establishing the ground for judicial review in assessing the constitutional applicability and integrity of legislations. The ideological and constitutional effect of the Marbury vs. Madison case has been enduring. The key importance of the MVMA versus State Farm Mutual Insurance Company lies in the fact that this case throws into sharp relief the pitfalls as well as the effectiveness of the judicial review system. It is also significant in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Social Activist Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Social Activist - Coursework Example Moreover, I will be capable of employing more youths, improving community health, and offering job trainings to other members of the community. Making necessary development on the single mothers by organizing for them programs of certified daycares will be upon me. However, I will ensure that the anti-crime patrol unit that will be in charge of controlling the crime rate and maintaining peace within the community members (Needleman & Ruth, 1998). Being also a policy analyst, I am able to spend much time in gathering, analyzing and distributing data that is related on how credit union should serve the poor communities. On the other side, am able to defend the civil rights of the people and to pressure for the quality affordable structures to the members of the community. As an activist, one is capable of providing himself first priority in benefitting before others as leaders by building themselves quality houses in their respective homes instead of giving the poor and the disabled first chances (Gary & Herr, 2007). Some may go to the extent that they go against the law by violating the right of others disabled members. Active activists give themselves more security compared to others. Activists find it hard in organizing their works to meet the need and desires of the community members (Gary & Herr, 2007). In conjunction to this, they spend more time in their respective work places to ensure terms and conditions are met. Several opposes also comes in from their subjects. Louise B. Simmons (1994). Of Connecticut School of Social Work, West Hartford, Connecticut. University Retrieved from Needleman, R. (1998). Building Relationship For The Long Haul: Unions And Community-Based Groups Working Together To Organize Low Wage Workers. Retrieved from

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 31

Marketing - Essay Example it depends upon the demand of the Boeing’s consumers. In order to be successful, Boeing therefore need to be active in its marketing efforts to focus and target those customers which Boeing believed will be able to generate the demand for more air travel etc. The trick is that the Boeing must stick to the personal selling of its products since these products are expensive and simply out of the reach of the ordinary consumers therefore what is important for Boeing is to engage itself into personal selling. 1) For successfully marketing this product, Boeing first needs to determine and assess its present customer base. It must first clearly define who its customers are and who are the potential customers who can be interested in buying the product. 5) Advertise the product to its target customer base of existing customers. Since this product have very excellent features and have multi-purpose use therefore there will certainly be acceptance of the product in the market. 6) Boeing needs to highlight the features of this product. Since this is a multipurpose product with many unique and excellent features therefore Boeing must stress on highlighting its features and perceived utility it can provide to its users. 7) Since the customer base is clearly defined therefore Boeing must first target its existing customer base. In order to market the product to the existing customers, Boeing need to engage itself into various techniques ranging from personal selling to arranging demos and other promotional activities. 8) Since this is a very specialized product therefore it is very important that the Boeing need to engage itself into extensive personal selling efforts. These personal selling efforts need to be directed first at the existing customer base of the Boeing and then it may be redirected to potentially new

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Meaning of Health and Illness in the Mexican Culture Essay

The Meaning of Health and Illness in the Mexican Culture - Essay Example Without a doubt, health can be deeply understood in terms of a combination of biological, cultural and social factors slightly than with the sole purpose in biological terms. As it was stated above that the complete health image can be understood more deep by diverse of factors. No one can deny that the social influence on health is significant, where the better health and higher quality of life of community members depend on the level of their participation in the social networks, assistance to each other and overall change of the society to become more healthy and prosperous. Such social networks usually include the family, friends, neighbors, church, work, sport clubs and other social groups where people can exchange information, experience and advices. For Mexican people, health is seen as holistic issue or a unity between mind, spirit and body. In the West, the doctor hopes to "cure" a problem after people are unbearably sick, when they are in pain or feel physically disruptive symptoms. A traditional Mexican practitioner, by contrast, seeks to prevent disease by keeping all systems balanced and finely tuned throughout the patient's life span. Consultation with the practitioner of acupuncture is ideally an ongoing part of every patient's life. Although the idea of preventive medicine (for instance, prenatal care) is prominent in current discussions about revamping our medical care system, there is really no comparison to the prevention that is accomplished through acupuncture and herbs. illness also comes from a gradual blocking and deficiency of body energy. Mexican people see the body threatened by lifestyle factors such as overeating or overworking. We also look for disharmonies of the internal nature in intensely prolonged emo tional states such as grief or depression (LaVeist, 2005). Mexican culture and gender have their own influences on health care since the person's socioeconomic status, ethnicity, gender and other factors directly affect his/her perception of the disease, necessity or financial ability to seek appropriate treatment. It is obvious that those people who live in poverty or from low socioeconomic status receive less medical help than those with stable income and medical coverage. In multi-ethnical communities the doctors can influence the patients by learning and understanding the beliefs, attitudes and experiences of patients from different ethnical groups and nationalities. The influence of gender on health care can be observed while analyzing the female and male patients, their attitudes and behaviors, where men are usually direct and logical decision makers and women are less independent and more influenced by others (Chabram-Derners, Torre 2008). While some symptoms are obvious both for the person him/herself and others around (nervousness, physical dependence on alcohol or drugs, etc), other symptoms are rather difficult to recognize. Usually, people use schemas as the organized ways to look at things and people that influence person's expectations, behavior, etc. Certainly, to seek medical treatment is the responsibility of each drug-dependent person or those who surround him based on the perception of the severity of the addiction symptoms. Though, there are some factors that might positively influence treatment seeking, including belief systems, certain life activities, gender, SES and ethnicity. While the good patient role presumes that the person behaves well and properly by following the prescribed treatment and medical services, the role of bad

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Exam questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Exam questions - Essay Example Further, a portfolio company having high risk may financially endanger the financial output of a company having miniscule risk. Portfolio analysis should include the influence of risk on the company’s returns (Livermore, 1998, p. 584). CAPM is used to determine the relationship between risk and portfolio returns. In terms of question 1b, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is used to determine the effect of the risks on the returns. The CAPM model includes the risk free rate of return portion of the asset return. The CAPM is used to determine the expected capital asset return. The CAPM analysis includes a risk-free rate. The CAPM includes a risk premium and a market premium (Semmler, 2011, p. 106). The portfolio CAPM formula is shown in the following diagram: E(Rp) = P1R1 + P2R2†¦+ PnRn Further, the formula is used to whether the average return on a portfolio of stocks is positively related portfolio’s beta data. The limitations include a wrong proxy is chosen. Another limitation is that the financial economists had not discovered a fool-proof they that explains why investors demand premiums for investing in low price/earnings for converting such concepts into risk premium estimations (OByrne, 2001, p. 180). In terms of question 2a, there are several motives for taking over another company. First, the â€Å"economies of scale† theory dictates that come entities or corporations takeover other companies in order to increase revenues. The total revenue of two companies will normally be higher than the revenue generated by all companies, given that the total sales of each company or equity is similar, under the synergy principle. Second, some companies takeover other companies in order to acquire the other comp any’s current and prospective customer database. Third, takeovers allow the new owner to acquire the expertise of the acquired company (Nuchtern,

Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

Of Mice and Men Essay For my coursework, I am going to write about how John Steinbeck, Announces and presents the two characters George and Lennie in the book; Of Mice and Men; and how the relationships between the characters make the story as good as it is. Steinbeck uses a high definition of detail to introduce the two men, George and Lennie: by using similes, personification and metaphors; he gives a large imagery effect of what the people look like (George and Lennie). Small, quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. By using informative text like this you get the idea if someone is small they are generally about 5ft tall he hasnt been able to wash for a while due to dark of face (or this fellow hasnt been a rich person and has worked all his life), with sharp strong features must mean he has been working, maybe as a labourer or a outlaw. The second figure a huge man, shapeless of face, with large pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. His arms did not swing at his sides, but hung loosely. The second fellows description gives me the idea he is slightly retarded; the way his arms do not swing and the way he uses features of a bear I find it that bears haves docile features, e.g. the use of there paws and the expression on the faces. He is also the follower. Steinbeck puts it across that the large person has no perception of danger; the way he flung down his blankets and drank from the surface of the green pool. Then the small fellow starts shouting his name, Lennie! Dont drink so much ; hinting he has awareness that they maybe danger with the pool being green. The way he drinks from the pool also gives the impression that he is slightly retard long gulps, snorting, and like a horse all strong descriptive words, makes the reader think hand on what is the guy a animal or a human? He gives him animal (inhuman) qualities. Steinbeck puts Lennie across as a child making his splashes of rings across the pool and George the leader. And again when Lennie goes to take a sip from water he is giving him the characteristics of a animal dipping his large paw into the water George is put across to have a strong bond with Lennie helping each other is the key to the story. The link between the characters is they are together in the early 1900s men didnt generally go around together them days, it was everyone for themselves with the American dream (The American aspect is that anyone can get to any position of work, wealth etc. with working for it.) On page 6 Steinbeck shows that the characters are frustrated He said angrily, We could just as well of rode clear to the ranch if that bastard bus driver knew what he was talkin about. Jes a little stretch. God damn near four miles, thats what it was! Didnt wanta stop at the ranch gate, thats what? Too god damn lazy to stop in Soledad at all. Kicks us out and says, jes a little stretch down the road. I bet it was more than four miles. Damn hot day. Steinbeck uses strong language in this text to show the frustration of lazy drivers and how people dont care most probably because Lennie is a retard and its how its was in the early 1900s. George is looking after Lennie; Steinbeck gives the hint in page 7 where George is looking after Lennies work card. Lennie also likes to pet small soft animals in the book, he holds mice at the start of the book, later on we find out Lennie likes to pet mice that his aunt gave him; but with him being so clumsy he squashes them to death and keeps them because there soft, because he has the mental age of a 8yr old and he doesnt know any better. George has to keep an eye out for this because we all know fresh mice will carry disease. Later on in the book, we find out that George and Lennie has a dream of owning a small ranch and Lennie wants to pet the rabbits. They have a little bit of money stored back and hope to make there dram come true shortly and they discuss that if there is any trouble in Soledad they will meet up in the wooded area, there was trouble in weed (the town they last had a place of work in). Lennie likes pretty colours and got attracted to a girls dress, when the girl said, let go, he hung on in fear and the girls escaped shouting rape, of course, Lennie would have been trialled and sentenced to death for this, so they made a run for it. In addition, eventually made it to a ranch in Soledad. For Lennie to remember things George gets him to repeat himself several times this way he remembers what has been said. When they get to the ranch, Lennie is instructed not to say a word to anyone, they dont want the ranch owner to find out Lennie isnt as smart as he looks, so they go meet the owner and George tries to answer all the questions, the owner thinks its suspicious the two guys travelling together, and makes Lennie talk. Anyhow, they get there way around it and go to the bunkhouse. Also in the book Slim gives Lennie a pup, since he aint allowed mice since they where always dying in his pocket, the guys thought that having a pup might be easier for him as its bigger and stronger and it will grow older to be bigger and stronger, unluckily this doesnt happen like the mice the pup also dies. There is a repetition of this through the book, and the persistence of a gun, and things (animals) dying. As they kill candys dog, it is taken outside and shot! I think that J. Steinbeck had made the book so that repetition of incidents are made to drag the reader into thinking I think something isnt going to be too good at the end of this book, people classed as animals, and everything being killed or shot? Curly is a character in the book with a fiery temper he is the ranch owners son and was a lightweight boxer, married (just) to His wife who is clearly given no name but referred to as Curlys wife, making it so that she is his possession. There is always an assumtion of a fight when curly enters the story line, he is always looking for his wife and always curious of what she is up to. Candy gets in on the American dream offering Lennie and George some money to buy the land and do it as he is fed up of being on the ranch. This way they can go to there dream and letting Lennie play with the rabbits but, he also would be out of danger e.g. the incident in weed that wouldnt be possible to happen as it would be on there land. A few pages on from curly being part of the American dream, Lennie has a fight with Curly and severely damages his fist breaking every bone in his hand! This now gives curly a reason not to like Lennie. Anyhow the guys go out and start playing horseshoes, Lennie was in the barn stroking his pup when it went to bite him; he hit the pup and he had killed it! Anyhow he was so upset thinking George wouldnt let him tend his rabbits in the dream they were having, Curlys wife walked in with here hair and make up all done so smartly, with a nice dress on. Curlys wife had been told she could have been a actor in Hollywood, and a guy would write to her but she was never wrote to, putting it across that her mother never let her seen the letters; while trying to prove to Lennie she could be a actor. Lennie explained his dream to Curlys wife, as Curlys wife was such a tease, moved closer and closer to Lennie, Lennie was going on about how he likes to stroke and pet soft things. Several times, she called Lennie nuts. She let Lennie stroke her hair, repeatedly and he stroked it harder, harder and harder, until she cried let go, Lennie grabbed her and covered her mouth telling her not to cry as he will get into trouble. She then struggled and Lennie shook her, he killed her, broke her neck, he dropped her and she laid there; he realised what he had done and ran into the brush where George had told him to go, Lennie had remembered he had to run to the brush. Once the guys found out she was dead Curly wanted him dead he got his gun and went out and his horse to get him with the guys. Curly now had a real reason to go and get Lennie; George knew exactly where to find him. George took a gun and went to go find Lennie, he found Lennie exactly where he had told him where to go, he started to talk to Lennie and got him to tell George about there dream and what it was going to be like, George lifted to gun to the back of Lennies head and shot him! The crash of the shot was heard echoing about the valleys. Steinbeck at the end of the story did not say if George ever made his American dream with candy of if he ever got Trialled for murder. This shows how the American dream doesnt always go to plan and maybe its just luck that gets you there, but does show you how the guys tried, and the relationship between people in them days sometimes led to hard consequences.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Civil Rights Essay Example for Free

Civil Rights Essay Although the 1960’s are usually considered the decade of greatest achievement for black civil rights, the 1940’s and 1950’s were periods of equally important gains. Asses the Validity of this statement. Equality was always a touchy subject following the civil war. Following the war, the north did not put emphasis on equality for all men. It took almost a century longer for complete equality to be achieved. Clearly these changes did not come around quickly, and it took a large group effort to bring about change. The ending results of the fight for Civil Rights that came in the 1960’s are of equal or even lesser importance to the events that enacted the change during the 1940’s and 1950’s. The 1960’s were a time of great results of the effort to establish civil rights for African Americans. In the earl sixties, movements such as the Freedom Riders were still in full effect, but the government was beginning to sway to the black side. President Kennedy brings the Civil Rights Bill to congress in 1963. It is put down by the southern democrats. As a result, Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement organize a massive political march in Washington. One of the high points of this march is Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech on the steps of the Lincoln memorial. The efforts come to fruition with the passing of the Civil Rights Bill of 1964, and Voting Rights Bill of 1965. But the Efforts made in the sixties are mere fractions of the total amount of drive from the previous decades. Civil Rights was an important issue that came up after, and during, WWII. Many Blacks wanted to serve their country in the army, but couldn’t due to military segregation. President Truman brought the Civil Rights issue to light when he established his Committee on Civil Rights. Shortly after the committee was established, the President passed a series of executive orders removing segregation in the military and in the government workforce. This was the first effort taken by the government concerning equal rights for the African Americans. These Efforts promptly continued at the turn of the decade. The Civil Rights movement really began to sink in leading up to it’s peak in  the late fifties. In 1950, a major court ruling changed the face of racial segregation involving schools. The Supreme Court case Brown v Board of Education was a shock to the US population that had Blacks all over seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. Segregation in schools was ruled a violation of the fourteenth amendment by the court. This ruling was put to the test in 1952 when nine black students attempted to enroll in a public high school. Crowds gathered in order to stop the students. Then, President Eisenhower sent in a group of troop to escort the students to school; showing that the federal government would support the court ruling. More and more Blacks decided to take a stand. In Montgomery, Alabama, Civil Rights activists staged a bus boycott. These events turned more and more people towards the cause. As time went on, activists grew more organized. The events of the 1950’s set up the success that came in the 1960’s The 1940’s and 1940’s were just as important as the 1960’s for the Civil Rights movement because, major events during this era created a sense of unity that allowed for organization in the sixties. It is important not to overlook the necessary preludes to the march on Washington. Although results are finally felt in the sixties, it could never have happened without the bravery of the previous twenty-so years.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Foreign Market Servicing Strategies of Lidl

Foreign Market Servicing Strategies of Lidl Lidl is one of the leading global discounter and owns round about 9000 stores in Germany and all over Europe. Lidl has beaten its main competitor Aldi. Aldi is already successful in the United States. The latest history of the company Lidl was clouded by the observation scandal in 2008. This scandal damaged their image. In the matter of the important topic Corporate Social Responsibility Lidl started a project called ECO2LOGISCH. This project is about building stores that are energy-efficient and sustainable. In addition the company sells Fair-trade products. The food retail industry in Germany had a moderate growth in the past but the forecast for the industry looks good. The category of supermarkets, hypermarkets and discounters has the highest market share in the food retail industry. The buyer and supplier power is moderate as well as threats of new entrants and substitutes are moderate. The rivalry in the industry is very strong. The US food retail industry in comparison to the German one has a strong growth and the forecast is not less significant. The category of supermarkets, hypermarkets and discounters has a major market share of 80.2 %. With a Gross Domestic Product of $ 14.2 trillion in 2009 the Unites States are the second largest economy after the European Union. There is a very high diversification of income and thereby a problem of poverty occurs in the United States. With predominating Strengths and Opportunities after the SWOT analysis, the United States satisfy all requirements to become the new market Lidl should expand to. Lidl has ownership, location and internalization advantages and thereby Foreign Direct Invest is the best mode of entry. Given that Aldi used Greenfield investment successfully to enter the US market in 1776 and Lidl did use the same strategy to expand to the European markets, Greenfield investment is the appropriate strategy to enter the new market in the United States successfully. Introduction In times of globalization and international expansion Lidl, who is one of the leading global discounter, should think about an expansion overseas. The following report should discuss if the United States are the right country to expand to and which mode of entry Lidl should use for the expansion. In the first steps the company Lidl itself will be analysed with a closer look at the Corporate Social Responsibility. After that the German food retail industry will be examined. Porters Five Forces Model will be used for this. The next step is to analyse the food retail industry in the United States. For this the industry itself will be investigated and the PEST analysis will give a closer look at the United States. The SWOT analysis will demonstrate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for Lidl by entering the US market. Afterwards the mode of entry will be discussed and the conclusion will give a final answer to the question, if the United States are the right country to expand to. The company Lidl Company overview Lidl is a German discount chain and is part of the Schwarz Beteiligungs GmbH (Holding company). The Schwarz group also owns the consumer markets Kaufland, KaufMarkt, Concord and Handelshof. The history of Lidl can be traced back to the beginning of 1930. At this point in time Josef Schwarz got general partner of the Sà ¼dfrà ¼chte Großhandlung Lidl Co. He restructured it to a wholesale business which was then destroyed in 1944. After ten years the business was rebuilt and in 1972 the headquarter was relocated to Neckersulm. After the dead of Josef Schwarz in 1977 his son Dieter Schwarz assumes full responsibility for the business. Dieter Schwarz bought the naming rights from Ludwig Lidl and from this point on the success started. Lidl first expanded in the region of Neckersulm and then to the whole republic. After the success in Germany, Lidl started to expand internationally. Lidl now owns round about 9000 stores all over Europe and thereby has more stores than its main compet itor Aldi (Langer, 2004; Wikipedia Lidl, 2011). Corporate Social Responsibility Due to the fact that Lidl is not a public company, it is very hard to find any information about Lidl itself. In the history of Lidl it was always the case that Lidl did not want to show any information about the company. For this reason Lidl got the nickname Geheimniskrà ¤mer (mystery monger) (Langer, 2004). In spring 2008 Lidl got involved in a big scandal in Germany. Lidl was accused to observe their employees. This scandal damaged the image of Lidl. Lidl Germany has apologized for this incident and has assured that they will promote immediate moves to prevent any of these incidents to happen again (Byrne, Skilly, 2008). After this incident, Lidl reformed the conditions of employment. A new project is called ECO2LOGISCH. This is a new store generation. The stores will be energy-efficient and sustainable. For example the new stores will be 100% heated using the waste heat from the refrigerated sections. Lidl plans that from 2010 on all Lidl-stores should be build ECO2LOGISCH. With this project Lidl is the first food retailer in Germany who sets sustainable building services engineering as a standard (Lidl: ECO2LOGISCH, 2010). In addition Lidl sells Fair-trade products and has some social projects like a football club for kids. The food retail industry in Germany The food retail industry includes the sales of food and beverages. In Germany the category Hypermarkets, Supermarkets and Discounters has the highest market share of 47.6% (see Appendix 1). In 2009 the industry had a growth of 2.3 % and a value of $ 234.8 billion. In the past the growth was moderate with an average of 2.1 % (see Appendix 2). The forecast for the industry looks good. The growth should be steady and in 2014 the industry will have an expected value of  § 265.5 billion (Datamonitor (a), 2010, p. 10). With the help of the Porters Five Forces Model the food retail industry will be analysed in the following. In the analysis the buyers will be the end-consumer and the suppliers will be food manufacturers, farmers, and agricultural co-operatives. The players in this analysis will be supermarkets, hypermarkets and discounters. Buyer power There is one important change in the consumers behaviour to which the retailers have to respond to. Nowadays the importance of health gets bigger and bigger. The convenience food becomes less important and consumers are more interested in fresh and healthy food. Another important fact is the price. Because there is a wide range of large retailers in Germany the consumer faces no switching costs and thereby the retailers have to have an attractive price scheme. All in all the buyer power is moderate (Datamonitor (a), 2010, p. 15). Supplier power The big German retailers often have a large range of suppliers. With this strategy the retailers ensure stability. They avoid possible delays in deliveries and price fluctuations. In addition to that some large retailers have started to sell own brand products. These two facts weaken the supplier power in the German food retail industry. Overall supplier power is moderate (Datamonitor (a), 2010, p. 17). New entrants It is not easy for new entrants to enter the market because of the aggressive marketing and pricing schemes of the large retailers in the industry. Nevertheless there are low entry and exit costs in the food retail industry and the changes in consumers behaviour gives new entrants a possible niche to enter the market successfully. Besides the low growths rate makes the industry not that attractive to new entrants. In conclusion the threat of new entrants is moderate (Datamonitor (a), 2010, p.18). Substitutes The only real substitute to the food retail is the food service represented by fast foods restaurants, sit-down restaurants and delivery services. But for consumers the food service is more a complement than a substitute. A more direct substitute are individuals and families who cultivate their own food. This is no longer used nowadays but in the long term possible because of the changes in the consumers behaviour and the threat of economically and politically instability. The threat of substitutes is therefore weak (Datamonitor (a), 2010, p.19). Rivalry There exists a high competition in the food retail industry. Main reasons for this are the not existing switching costs for the consumers. The similarity in the basic products of the large retailers pushes them into a competitive pricing scheme. This leads the price wars. These are encouraged by the consumers who are now comparing more and more. They have a look on special offers and the lowest price. The German food retail industry has a lot of competitors. Therefore in a conclusion rivalry is strong in this industry (Datamonitor (a), 2010, p. 20). The United States for expansion Since Lidl already expanded to whole Europe it is time to think overseas. Aldi, one of the main competitors, expanded successfully to the United States in 1976. Lidl already beat Aldi in Germany and Europe. Lidl has more stores all over Europe and has overtaken Aldi in the rankings. So the existence of Aldi in the US food retail market is no real threat for Lidl. The food retail industry in the United States The US food retail industry in comparison to the German has a strong growth. The total revenues in 2009 had a value of $ 859.1 billion and the average growth rate in the years from 2005 to 2009 was 5.3% (see Appendix 3). The forecast is not less significant. By the end of 2014 the US food retail industry will have an expected value of $1,043.1 billion (Datamonitor (b), 2010, p. 10). In the US the category Hypermarkets, Supermarkets and Discounters has the highest market share of 80.2 % (see Appendix 4). Worldwide the market share of the US food retail industry is 19.8 % billion (Datamonitor (b), 2010, p. 11). All these facts make the US food retail industry attractive for Lidl to expand to. To have a closer look at the real attractiveness of the US market for expansion a PEST analysis of the United States will be proceeded in the following. PEST analysis of the United States In this section the political, economical, social and technological environment of the United States will be analysed. Overall the United States are one of the strongest powers worldwide since more than 50 years. Politically the United States have a strong position. In 2009 the democrat Barack Obama displaced the republican George W. Bush. Barack Obama was inheriting a poisoned chalice because of the financial situation and the great debates about the military operations in the Iraq and Afghanistan. Nevertheless the US has a great global influence and a strong democratic setup (Datamonitor (c), 2010). With a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $ 14.12 trillion the United States were the second largest economy in the world in 2009 after the European Union (CIA The World Factbook, 2010). In the years before the 11th of September 2001, the United States had an economical boom, after that date the growth slowed down and they felt into a recession. The congress passed bills to stimulate the financial market in 2008 and 2009. Because of this the public dept in the United States increased from 39.7 % in 2008 to 52.9 % of the GDP in 2009 (Datamonitor (c), 2010). The United States are facing a rapidly aging population. This can lead to a decreasing economic growth and thereby to rising tax rates and shortages in labour. The US have a very high diversity in the distribution of income. The Gini index was 45 in 2007 (CIA The world fact book, 2010). 1 per cent of the population belongs to the upper class and in 2009 these people owned 37.1 per cent of the entire property of the United States (Wikipedia Vereinigte Staaten, 2010). However, the United States have a remarkable education system and Barack Obama passed a new health service reform in 2010 (Datamonitor (c), 2010). On the technological front, the United States are a world leader in adapting and applying technology and innovations and they will stay in the position in the near future. But there will be a threat of competition in this sector because of the continuing process of for example China (Datamonitor (c), 2010). SWOT analysis of the company Lidl The SWOT analysis brings together the analysis of the environment and the company. It identifies the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. SWOT is the basis for the strategy development of a company. The main facts of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats will be discussed in the following. The whole SWOT analysis is provided in Appendix 5. Lidl has a high market share in the fast growing market segment of the food retailers. It has become a global player due to the fact that Lidl expanded successfully to Europe and owns round about 9000 stores. After the success in Europe there are no more obstacles for an expansion to the United States. Another important Strengths is the very good pricing which attracts many consumers. The main Weakness of Lidl is the damaged image because of the observation scandal and the discussion about minimum wages, which affects nearly every discounter. Additionally the low customer loyalty represents another main Weakness. This is an issue because of the low switching costs for the consumers because of the high competition in the food retail sector. An Opportunity is that the category of supermarkets and discounters has a markets share of 80.2% in the food retail sector in the United States. Another Opportunity is the existing poverty in the Unites States. Poor people are more interested in low pricing products. The main Threats are the competitors on the US food retail market. There is Wal-mart, who now starts to open smaller stores like in the store model of Lidl and there is Aldi, the main competitor in Germany. Aldi is a Threat and an Opportunity. Lidl already beat Aldi in the German and European market and Aldi was successful on the US market by using the same discounter model like Lidl. But Aldi entered the US market in the 70s and is now integrated and accepted from the US consumers. This is a challenge for Lidl. In a conclusion the Strengths and Opportunities predominate and Lidl should start the expansion to the United States. Choosing the mode of entry to enter the US market After decided that the United States are a good market to expand to, it is now time to think about the mode of entry. There are various modes of entry: Exporting International Licensing International Franchising Specialized modes (e.g. contract manufacturing, management contracts) Foreign Direct Investment (Greenfield investment, Acquisition strategy, Joint Venture). Dunnings Eclectic Theory gives a good framework to decide which mode is the right one for the company and the market it wants to expand to. Dunning developed three conditions which a firm should be satisfying. Ownership advantage: The firm has to have some special advantages to compete with the foreign companies. For example a good brand name, special technology, know-how or a unique product. In this case exporting would be the mode of entry. Location advantage: It has to be more benefiting to expand to a foreign market rather than expand in the home market. For example lower labour costs. If the ownership advantage and the location advantage apply contractual arrangements like licensing, franchising or alliances are the best modes of entry. Internalization advantage: There has to be a higher profitability by controlling the activities on the foreign market on their own rather than recruit a local company to provide all the important services. For example lower exchange rate risks. In the case that all three conditions are satisfied Foreign Direct Investment would be the best mode of entry (Griffin, Pustay, 2010, p. 196). Lidl as a retailer has the ownership advantages like a bargaining power in purchasing and a special supply chain. Another fact is that exporting would be no alternative for Lidl because a retailer sells products it buys from suppliers. It would be meaningless to export the products again. There are location advantages as well. The German food retail market is concentrated with a high level of competition. Hence there is not much space for further expansion. The market in the United States is a big market and offers enough space to expand to. Even though there are some main competitors. The entry and exit costs are low. For a retailer franchising harbours some dangers. For example it is difficult to legally protect the innovations a retailer is making. Franchising has indeed lower costs but the firm has also a lower level of control. Internalization advantages occur when company-specific advantages cannot be achieved on the foreign market via franchising or similar cooperation forms. This is given because of the facts mentioned before (Borgstrà ¶m, Hertz, Nyberg, n.d.). In summary Lidl satisfies all three conditions and for this reason Foreign Direct Investment is the best mode of entry for Lidl. Now Lidl has the choice between Greenfield investment, joint venture or acquisition. By having a closer look at Lidls past expansion in Europe and the mode of entry Aldi chose in 1776, Greenfield investment is the best solution for Lidl. The company also entered the new markets in Europe via Greenfield investment and Aldi did the same in the United States and it was successful for both. Conclusion The food retail market in the United States offers a good opportunity to expand to. The market has a strong growth and the PEST and SWOT analysis acknowledge the choice of the United States for a new market for expansion. As a conclusion to Dunnings theory, Foreign Direct investment and more precisely Greenfield investment is the best mode of entry. Exporting, Licensing and Franchising do not offer Lidl a good business. These modes of entry are not appropriate for a retailer and in addition Lidl would lose parts of their revenues. Due to the fact that Lidl is not willing to disclose any internal information, Acquisition or a Joint Venture do not represent a possible choice, even though both possibilities have low fixed costs. Furthermore the companies could be competitors on another market and no company wants to share information with a potential competitor. Greenfield investment is the best solution for a successful expansion to the food retail market in the United States. Appendix Appendix 1: Germany food retail industry by categories: % share, by value, 2009à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.13 Appendix 2: Germany food retail industry value: $ billion, 2005-09à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..13 Appendix 3: United States food retail industry value: $ billion, 2005-09à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦14 Appendix 4: United States food retail industry by categories: % share, by value, 2009à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..14 Appendix 5: SWOT analysis of the company Lidlà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦15 Appendix 1: Germany food retail industry by categories: % share, by value, 2009 Source: Datamonitor (a), 2010. Appendix 2: Germany food retail industry value: $ billion, 2005-09 Source: Datamonitor (a), 2010. Appendix 3: United States food retail industry value: $ billion, 2005-09 Source: Datamonitor (b), 2010. Appendix 4: United States food retail industry by categories: % share, by value, 2009 Source: Datamonitor (b), 2010. Appendix 5: SWOT analysis of the company Lidl Strengths Weaknesses High market share in a fast growing segement (discounter) Global player Very good pricing (always offers the lowest price on the market) Very good store locations (near housing areas, good transport connections, good parking facilities) Fast reaction to changes in the market conditions (flexibility is very important in a high competition sector) Damaged image (oberservation scandal and dicussions about minimum wages) Dependence on discouter model Low customer loyalty Exit from the Norway market because of low success Changing consumer behaviour (healthy living) Opportunities Threats After successful expansion all over Europe its time for overseas expansion Significant market for supermarkets and discounters in the US Expansion of the product range (more healthy food) Poverty problem in the US leads to higher demand of low pricing products Aldi already had a great success on the US market (same discounter model) Only focus on low princing products Existing competitors in the US food retail market (Wal-Mart, Aldi) Limited success of food retailer Tesco after entering the US market in 2007 Source: Self made with the help of: Bord Bia, 2008; Jiroutek, n.d.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Explication of Ogichidag by Jim Northrup Essay -- Explication Essays P

Ogichidag I was born in war, WW Two. Listened as the old men told stories of getting gassed in the trenches, WW One. Saw my uncles come back from Guadalcanal, North Africa and the battle of the Bulge. Memorized war stories my cousins told of Korea. Felt the fear in their voices. Finally it was my turn, my brothers too. Joined the marines in the time for the Cuban Missile Crisis Heard the crack of rifles in the rice paddies south of Da Nang. Watched my friends die there then tasted the bitterness of the only war America ever lost My son is now a warrior. Will I listen to his war stories or cry to his open grave. This is the poem that Jim Northrup wrote about war. I am going to Explicate the poem and examine the message that he is trying to express and th...

Animal Experimentation Essay -- Ethics, Animal Cruelty, Chimpanzees

Two months ago I went to see the film â€Å"Rise of the Planet of Apes† at the theater. This film was about chimpanzees that were exposed to animal research to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. Consequently, one of the chimpanzees tested with the Alzheimer’s cure developed an enhanced genetic intelligence that lead to the freedom of the other captive chimpanzees. Although this film was a science fiction movie, during the film, there were scenes that depicted cruelty towards chimpanzees. These scenes made me concerned about how inhumane people are towards research chimpanzees. Even with a sense of ethic, I believe animals should deserve respect and consideration. However, there were some scenes during that movie that also made me think about how animals such as chimpanzees were an essential part of human lives. Chimpanzees in the film were experimented on to find a cure for people with Alzheimer’s disease. This demonstrated that chimpanzees themselves su ffered to promote the welfare of humans. This exemplary movie leads to the question, Should animal experimentation be permitted? This question introduces to the controversy of two arguments whether animal experimentation should be permitted or not. In addition to this question, researcher Jerod M. Loeb, from the article, â€Å"Human vs. Animal Rights: In Defense of Animal Research,† concerns about animals, but cannot hinder to improve medicine or other advance for the welfare of humans. On the other hand, philosopher Tom Reagan, contributing to the book, â€Å"Ill-Gotten Gains,† is against animal experimentation. He argues that conducting experimentation on animals â€Å"exacts the grave moral price of failing to show proper respect for animals’ inherit value, whatever the benefits for the research... ...ntists against the cruelty of animals, often refers to an optimistic step to the advance in scientific knowledge preventing future diseases in humans and animals as well. It is time to put out this grief more than anything to some important subject revolving around the world, â€Å"animal experimentation.† Many might dispute; others might concur to the same idea. In the end, I respect both beliefs; both Loeb and Reagan make powerful arguments to support their beliefs. However, Loeb’s dynamic belief has self-motivated me to believe that animal experimentation should be attempted and should not be hindered. Throughout this journey of disagreements of both sides, animal experimentation has once again demonstrated that can be capable to develop new medicine for the welfare of humans, benefit animals as well, and advance in scientific knowledge to prevent future diseases.

Friday, July 19, 2019

booker t :: essays research papers

Booker T. Washington The purpose for writing on Booker T. Washington is to focus on his educational contributions, and the different speeches he gave during and after the 19th century for African American and for the institution. Booker was born into slavery on a small tobacco plantation on April 5 1856. While in grade school he did not have a last name. When he realized that all of the other children at the school had a second name, and the teacher asked him his, he invented the name Washington. For the first nine years of his life until 1865 when the close of the Civil War emancipated the boy Booker and the remainder of his race, he like many other Americans of dark skin had been considered a piece of property on a Southern plantation. Any education extraneous to their enforced labor had been forbidden to most Negroes in the South. By 1895 however, in his historic Atlanta Exposition Address, Washington was to say: Starting thirty years ago with ownership here and there in a few quilts and pumpkins and chickens (gathered from miscellaneous sources), remember the path that has led from these to the inventions and production of agricultural implements, buggies, steam engines, newspapers, books, statuary, carving, paintings, the management of drug-stores and banks, has not been trodden without contact with thorns and thistles.1 This famous speech placed Washington in the national spotlight as the leader of his race. How did he rise to the top? What were the methods he used to raise his people, and how did he discover those ways? In 1881 citizens in Tuskegee, Alabama, asked Hampton's president to recommend a white man to head their new black college; he suggested Washington instead. The school had an annual legislative appropriation of $2,000 for salaries, but no campus, buildings, pupils, or staff.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cisco Feasibility Study

Computer shop business is the one of the most demand business here in the Stop. Ion Patters Tagging City, internet cafe's are really in demand because of the fast changing technology that the people embarrassed Just like here in the Philippines. Some have their own laptops and bring it to the malls so they could relax and at the same time prepare their assignments and paper works.The people today are very ND would want to do their Jobs in the beautiful innovative environment that could satisfy their needs and lessen their stress due to busy schedule OBJECTIVES/GOAL -To earn profit. -To satisfy costumers providing best quality services at effective price. -Providing the services at low cost by providing the best quality at affordable price. -To achieve its return of investment and the business giving satisfaction to the owner. VI'. Technical Feasibility vii-l Location b. Floor Plan Star network Star networks are one of the most common computer network topologies.In its implies form, a star network consists of one central switch, hub or computer, which act as a conduit to transmit messages. This consists of a central node, to which all other nodes are connected; this central node provides a common connection point for all nodes through a hub. In star topology, every node (computer workstation or any other peripheral) is connected to a central node called a hub or switch. The switch is the server and the peripherals are the clients Thus, the hub and leaf nodes, and the transmission lines between them, form a graph with the topology of a star.If the central node is passive, the originating node must be able to tolerate the reception of an echo of its own transmission, delayed by the two-way transmission time (I. E. To and from the central node) plus any delay generated in the central node. An active star network has an active central node that usually has the means to prevent echo-related problems. Advantages Better performance: star topology prevents the passing o f data packets through an excessive number of nodes.At most, 3 devices and 2 links are involved in any communication between any two devices. Although this topology places a huge overhead on the central hub, with adequate capacity, the hub very high utilization by one device without affecting others. Isolation of devices: Each device is inherently isolated by the link that connects it to the hub. This makes the isolation of individual devices straightforward and amounts to disconnecting each device from the others. This isolation also prevents any non- centralized failure from affecting the network.Benefits from centralization: As the central hub is the bottleneck, increasing its opacity, or connecting additional devices to it, increases the size of the network very easily. Centralization also allows the inspection of traffic through the network. This facilitates analysis of the traffic and detection of suspicious behavior. Easy to detect faults and to remove parts. No disruptions t o the network when connecting or removing devices. Installation and configuration is easy since every one device only requires a link and one input/output port to connect it to any other device(s).Disadvantages Failure of the central hub renders the network inoperable Communication between nodes must pass through the central hub. Therefore if the central hub is compromised, so is all communication. The hub is the bottleneck for throughput as it is required to retransmit the sum of all transmitted messages from devices.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Environmental Benefits of Solar Panels Essay

Environmental Benefits of solar Solar Panels plead Electricity with Zero Emissions Solar postcode generated via solar panels (also known as photovoltaic Solar or PV solar) is one of the to the highest degree sustainable focusings we have of generating muscularity and electrical push button today. First and foremost solar panels produce electricity without emissions of any kind. The legal age of electricity we riding habit in the get together States today is generated from burning coal. Recently in that respect has been a lot excitement nigh the idea of clean coal, tho it is big to remember that this technology only exists as a concept and galore(postnominal) experts surmise it leave alone ever be commerci aloney feasible.Solar panels are a proven, cartridge clip tested, highly evolved technology and are secure for use now, and as the industry expands solar panels are becoming increasingly strong and cost efficient. Other Alternative life force Technologies have S erious Environmental IssuesOther alternate cleverness technologies like nuclear reactors and hydroelectric dams pose both policy challenges and pitiable environmental consequences when compared to PV solar.Nuclear reactors create baseless waste that is piling up at power plants across the nation, and by the beat the first nuclear waste terminal facility might be finished, all of its available storage space testament already be spoken for. In comparison, generating electricity with hydroelectric dams doesnt take in the emission of greenhouse squanderes, but it does have disastrous effects on the ecosystem in and around the river it interrupts. Go Solar and Reduce Your Carbon Emissions by 23,000 poundsThe clean American home uses more than 11,000kWh of electricity either twelvemonth, resulting in the emission of 23,122lbs per year of CO2 from burning coal. By comparison, the mediocre automobile in the United States is trusty for emitting approximately 14,600lbs of CO2 int o the atmosphere in a given year. This means that for every American home that converts to solar energy and PV solar, the resulting reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is equivalent to taking about 1. cars finish up the road.If the state of California were to harness solar power to satisfy just its residential energy needs, the impact would be the analogous as taking almost 20 million cars off the road. By facility solar panels on your home or business you can make a major contributions to the fight against global thawing bit also insulating yourself from the inevitable monetary value increases from power companies tied to diminishing raise sources.Solar Energy is an Infinite ResourceAnd non only is electric power from solar panels free from greenhouse gas emissions, its also an infinite resource. The fact is there are only so many gallons of oil, trainloads of coal, and cubic feet of natural gas in our planet, and they pass on run out. Our daily lives swear on huge pith s of energy and while there is a fair amount of discussion and disagreement about how tenacious these fuels will last, there is strong consensus that we use these resources faster than they are replenished and earlier or later they will run out.During a single day more energy in the form of sunlight finds its way to earth than we could ever hope to use. The sooner we begin to harness this energy with the deployment of solar panels (PV solar), solar water heaters, and some other solar energy technologies, the sooner we will see the effects of anthropogenic temper change slow and reverse, and the sooner we will see our economy thrive without the limits of high-priced and finite sources of energy.

External and Internal Environmental Analysis Essay

External and knowledgeable purlieual analysis is a critical component for an brass seeking to achieve its goals. The follow instruction indoors this paper presents a complete external environmental and an internal competitive environmental s butt for JetBlue Airways. The information provided identifies and analyses the most authorised external environmental portion in the remote, labor, and external in operation(p) environments. When addressing external environment it speaks to a set of forces and conditions outside the organization that underside influence its performance. The most common forces hold political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and wakeless (or PESTEL).The paper exiting further identify and analyze the let on internal intensitys and weaknesses of JetBlue Airways. When addressing the internal environment it speaks to the severalise factors and forces inwardly the organization affecting its operation. The internal strength and weakness es will cover an assessment of the JetBlue Airways resources, their competitive position and possibilities within. Lastly the following will analyze the body structure of JetBlue and how this affects organizational performance.External environmental FactorsFor JetBlue external environmental factors cover political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal. The most important external environmental factors in the remote, industry, and external operating environment of JetBlue can be expanded by means of opportunities and threats. Opportunities encompass working out, such(prenominal) as increasing routes and destinations within the U.S. Global expansion falls within expansion as well, while JetBlue has many successful partnerships with multinational airlines there is further potential abroad. Threats include render courts, progress technology, and government relations. Fuel costs and advanced technology are almost synonymous.The increasing worth of displace in turnincreases operational costs. good technology is a chance on factor in this space as well given(p) spick-and-span planes for example, have the technology to utilize less fuel in flight. Governmental regulations and legalities are another key threat for JetBlue. Airline regulations can increase expenses and potentially create inefficiency in operations in set up to meet regulation requirements. Additionally, restrictions related to international trade, appraise policy, and competition can thwart expansion efforts. sexual Strengths and WeaknessesJetBlue is a pro at utilizing its resources and structure. As such, JetBlue has turn out to be high-octane in its internal environment. aside of the physical and valet aspects of the internal environment JetBlue focusinges on tender-hearted as the key factor. JetBlue views its employees and their skills as the key to a successful structure by evince elements of loyalty, satisfaction, service gauge, harvest-timeivity, capabil ity, and output quality. JetBlue reflects a culture of employees that learn how to retain customers and can perform under miscellaneous situations with an equally varied consumer base. In addition to human capital, JetBlue uses physical assets to set them apart from the rest.The airline conk of JetBlue is very precisely selected. From its raw(a) Airbus A321 to its Airbus 320, JetBlue prides itself on sympathiser and luxury. Other perks offered by JetBlue include lower priced airfare compared to that of its competitors and in-flight enjoyment options that succeed its competition. Internal weaknesses include a smaller base of destinations compared to its competitors, which could be viewed as a product of their smaller planes and perhaps weaker taint recognition given its newness in the airline market. The weakness can be strengthened with expanding their location/market base.Competitive stakeMajor players in the U.S. airline industry include Delta Air Lines, United Continenta l, American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and JetBlue Airways. In 2013 many consolidations decreased the number of top players, such as U.S. Airways with American West, Northwest with Delta, United with Continental, AirTrans with Southwest, and American with U.S. Airways. Those carries, including JetBlue and Alaska, account for more than 90% of the U.S. market cope (Cederholm, 2013). With the number of competitors in times of low ormoderate industry growth, the competition increases as all(prenominal) one tries to woo the consumer base. JetBlue is still the new shaver so it is hard to say if its resources are inimitable. JetBlues low cost operations are unified to other activities in the organization like human resource management and technology development. If JetBlue were to reinforce competencies, with its efficient low-cost operations, it can find a sustainable competitive advantage making it a non-imitable organization.JetBlues competitive advantage is built off of eminen ce and cost leadership. Differentiation comes with a watertight check off image. JetBlue provides this image through its customer service and heterogeneous in-flight features such as increased legroom and entertainment options per seat. JetBlue achieves cost leadership through efficient operations. JetBlues new planes minimize fuel costs and increases revenue per flight. non offering in flight meals allows for quick turnarounds and overall reduced costs. The differentiation strategy and its features do guess ease of imitation or differentiate ones brand past the point of consumer support.If JetBlue continues to employ a combining of these strategies it will have an increased approach in outperforming its rivals. Superior performance will come through combined low-cost services with a identify offering as JetBlue does. As JetBlue moves onward, the extent to which it can maintain the integration of low-cost and differentiation will determine whether its competitive advantage i s sustainable.StructureThe structure of JetBlue is likely very simple compared to its counterparts. The highest of quality in customer service, one style of plane, a focus on environment, all this reflects its culture. With the human aspect be their highest priority they put a lot of supposition into how they hire, train, set expectations, and monitor their employee base. JetBlue trains employees, provides compensation (likely more cock-a-hoop than the competitors), and equally provides empowerment among its employee base. JetBlue Airways seeks to hire and train salient people (human focus), develop purpose, vision, and values. JetBlue operates on a strong organizational culture, where one listens to its customers and employees, cultivates leadership, and provided incentive.SummaryThe airline industry is exposed to upturns and downturns with sparing trends. With that a growing economy creates a greater demand for air travel, whereas a decrease in the economy means reduced deman d and intensified competition. JetBlue has managed to maintain a quality brand as a newer airline, in the spirit of some significant challenges, such as the calamity of 9/11. JetBlue Airways new planes, competitively low fares, non-unionized labor, therefrom far an effective business model, and strong focus on the human element, it remains to provide a foothold in them market as a solid competitor regardless of its external threats and internal weaknesses.ReferencesCederholm, T. (2013, September 3). Overview External factors that influence the airline industry. Retrieved may 31, 2015, from http// JetBlue Airline Tickets, Flights, and Airfare. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2015, from http//

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Marketing Strategy of Lv

21/12/2011 merc contrisolelyeise reveal field of operation outline of LVMH with a finical cogitate on LV in disco biscuittness e subroutineuallylyplaceview Louis Vuitton M whollyetier is ordinarily referred to as Louis Vuitton, simply closely times truncate to LV, is snip opulence cultivateion and trounce erects troupe. The play a foresightful was founded in 1854, and straight off is the posterior of LVMH and its main percentage gondolarying virtually a dope of the gist bearing. LVMH is the intent attr presenter in the laid-backlife manufacturing. It was ceremonious in 1987 with the totality of instigatelet greases Louis Vuitton, Moet and Henessy.This league gave feature to a planetary root that, in rise to power to trounce comfortablys and spirits, brings to maintainher to the dispersal, a enormous form of filth names in all departments of the prodigality perfumes, jewelry, watches and all overly champagne. by its po lity of fool breeding and magnification of its diffusion net oversea ( much than 2300 stores adult malewide), LVMH has became, since its cosmea in 1987, a berth of a knock-down(prenominal) harvesting it is direct the obtain large(p) in France and the ordinal in the authoritativeness, with 77000 employees of which 74% be ground foreign France and that c ar the cor resolveing de countierine of the conventione. somatic scheme A strategical sectionalization In the prodigality sector, LVMH has giveed in sextuplet opposite strategic argument atomic matter 18as wines and spirits, carriage and welt seriouss, perfumes and cosmetics, watches and jewelry, discriminating distri exception and separate activities. Louis Vuitton is nerve-racking to cost by its harvest-feasts, the al well-nigh slender qualities of western blind de Vivre close to the knowledge base. The teleph wizardr is as well as act to p pocket-sized to be convertible wit h nigh(prenominal) cultivation and creative thinking in leather harvest-feastions, blending customs duty and innovation through their merchandises and thug fantasy and fantasy.How Louis Vuitton attracts its costumers LouisVuittonisa prodigality greasebelong toLVMH whichisthe to a gravider extent or less treasured foolinthe universe of prodigality. Since 1854thishas been bring home the bacon withits extravagancebaggage set-back and frankincense with look industry(e circumscribedly with collectionsby Marc Jacobs). LouisVuittonhas introducedm all advertize urges, except ten long time of mood discourse confine overshadowed the provide. The partnership realised that customers were slight love some(prenominal) to the set that were associated with the strike out. so the party wanted to frame up excursus date the commercialized discourse by foc apply on a much(prenominal) institutional in assemble to evoke the ho up feign and non scarcely if the crossings. LouisVuitton accordingly chose to prod from harvest-festival communionto bodied conferences. The stopping point isto diethe de edgeine and ism ofthe gull and its leitmotifthe trip. To ca drilla com pushed birth with itscustomers, the networkappearsto be the towering hat mover of chat(interactivity, photos,videos. ) The ingrained time re cheerthat is conveyedis thetrip. proper a voguethe suppositionhas evolved in breakhabits( mount tourism, festering oflow cost), congruous true(a)ly rough-cut and past on that point is nomore dissimulation in the move approximately orescape. In this tender converse campaignLVseeks to purpose the apprehension of pilgr examinefrom thought solveto humor of carnal individualised jaunt (passenger). twain of LV crusadements that be utilize the trip conception main(prenominal) objectives of the beau monde deep consideration objectives The group trails to take in thesustainability of the go far withby wayon center field dirts compar subject the non bad(p)(pillars)of the 5argonas ofLVMH. In addition,LVMHhasthe prospect to chance on securities industry sh be, eclininghis supportof cutting niches( entreories). It moldiness deal to investfor growth. goldbrick term objectives LVMH wants to chance upon a speedy guide to the strategic activities much(prenominal) as alternate on the earnings comparable on eLUXURY. com These activities quarter be bear in theportfolio onesbecause theydo non command immense abilityover the long termandargon a source ofdirect profitableness( racy margin). depth psychology of the four-spot Ps dodge ingathering Louis Vuittons increases be rattling identify by their inexpugnable prime(a) and real high monetary take account.The aim of LVMH is in analogous manner to attract raft musical none a larger-than-life digression in the midst of any brand and a brand Louis Vuitton. and hence a strong get wind is ess ential to achieve those aims. whiz of the jumbo issues that convey LV products is counterfeiting which the fellowship is act simply to foment against with enlightenment campaigns, distri besidesion of warn nonices to companies, registering the brands and stilboestroligns and qualification some activities with the inwardness des Fabri grassts which is a worldly concern touch on structured connector that carries out trademark vindication activities.The high society is to a fault running(a) on prohibiting appraisal of authenticity by formally clear stores that be wholly able to support whether an hold is tangible or not, notwithstanding overly victimization the heap media to tell passel about some expound to take into musical score before assess whether an LV good is genuine or not. By choosing not to hold cut-rate goods at all, LV is very(prenominal)wise prohibiting second-line trading operations or what we rally lower-cost alternatives. T his stick out be sort of bound to a vast involution merely a good choice to the attach to to bridle in the luxuriousness argona. young(prenominal) t individuallying of LV product is that LV is an free-living fashion that is prohibiting consequence product output signal in fix up to wangle the brand set and fashioning a real soften on the prices. LV has in any character reference a surplus pose aid for customers that would like to covenant customized and order-made products. monetary value LV goods prices atomic number 18 genuinely high, plainly their value is alike of a very high level. The prices ar widely genuine by women.The participation is laborious then to preclude the arrogance the costumers thrust in its certain set, peculiarly by prohibiting conscienceless pricing, bargain gross gross revenue, gross gross revenue in value sets, wonder price changes, pricing in comical prices take aim LVMH has no boundary its merchandis eplace is planetary, f and so oning into tarradiddle study or regional argonas. The gild has a geographical dodge that is reinforced on the excoriate presuppose global, act topical anaesthetic. The value of having a global market is to overwhelm the vagaries of frugal conditions (fluctuations in exchange rates, and so on .. ), well-disposed (war, etc. .. and demographic issues (emerging Asiatic countries, etc. .. ). This allows them to ensure the proper(postnominal) demands of the market split than in separate(a) accomplishable style for role model, the Italians elect winsome discernment champagne that privy be accommodate to be the right product for them, with mixtures of wines and grapes varieties that are unique(predicate) to champagne. On the some other hand the internationalisation of sales allows the company to respond to legion(predicate) unlike behavioral changes of consumers. Moreover, LVMH is seek to come out pertly markets with very high potency much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as china and India.LVMH improvements from the repose of world trade. progress LV in compare with virtually companies that use mass advertize, never advertise on video recording unless lone(prenominal) on magazines and unexampledspapers with non offensive sales ads, just realizes. The brand faces the discovery, travel, sophistication, elegance and creativity. When much(prenominal) speech communication are associated with a company we render that communication must be in reality extra. Louis Vuitton does not use media such as intercommunicate and television media that are sure as well as popular. Louis Vuitton, because of the demands in womens magazines (Elle, Vogue, Madame Figaro , , advertisements publish in its journals forever and a day turn out a busy ascendant (urban, fables, sevensome insalubrious sins , ). To hike up its goods, Louis Vuitton prefers to in addition rise limited events s uch as Concours dElegance car and the Americas shape ( similarly cognise as Louis Vuitton Cup). The brand,asfor other firms, isusingthe frontofthe stores beingness strengthened foradvertising. For examplein unusedYork behind be seenat a apex ofover 20 metersJenniferLopez, advanced embassadorofVuittons flagship products executethe brand. Vuitton likewisedoes not flickerto herald ongreat personalitiesto re vexthe company.The adjoinsare also a good way to hand them cognise. The taperis not only the human beings who tended to(p) theparade (a a couple of(prenominal) nose candy citizenry), butthe people who instruct aboutin the press andother media. LV merchandising scheme is also base on a special process of diversification To perplex number one in the extravagance sector, LVMH group usually offers a similar product line to the 4 corners of the planet, but in diametrical ways. LVMH is desire to yield a new backing that is uncoerced to debauchery. They experie nce access to luxuriousness by supplemental products already show up in the product crease it requires no new skills or additional skills.This diversification merchandising involves characteristic innovations two in the cut of uniform (packaging for perfumes) that the composition of handbags (new materials). exclusively this requires a research and bulge outnce performance, delivery together the scoop out designers to get a forefront arising as soon as doable and get word the trend. Weaknesses of Louis Vuitton and propositions for bankrupt strategy LV products are the most copied in the World, which is not the case of other sumptuousness companies like Hermes for example. Indeed, Counterfeiting is a real riddle for the segment of high life products.The offstage of the brand could contribute to the privation of image and prestige. To recreate this, Louis Vuitton is potently commit to the rouse against counterfeiting by establishing a particular(prenominal ) group to modify the consumer and conceal the counterfeiters or so the world and peculiarly in countries where the phenomenon is more present like China. Also, the prices of LV products are not the aforementioned(prenominal) around the world they are 50% high in Asia and 25% high in the U. S. In addition, foreigners that are residing outside European lodge can benefit from a revenue refund.It is accordingly more interest for umteen foreigners to get Louis Vuitton products in France, thus we arrive at a great ontogenesis of the trade around this brand. Indeed, there are many an(prenominal) consumers that spoil LV products in France and then resale them to foreigners. Others join with foreigners and rile to act as intermediaries for the leverage of these products, with winning a commission for this service. The resale of a product de determine its image as extravagance period the resoled product loses its hex and singularity it becomes such a commodity and no longitudinal a luxury product.To foresee this, LV has to let out more its ready reckoner verify of sales. And since the luxury market is an eye socket of a big concurrence, LVMH is of all time take to be noble-minded from the others, to contain innovating its products, market, advertisements themes and in the same time fend for its values And since it has became a intercontinental known brand, may be to make some customization in business, sales and marketing for each culture, I would like to get to make for come elect countries special processes of production , sales and advertising that stir but also emerge from their cultureReferences * http//www. iasdr2009. org/ap/written mendeleviumument/ viva voce%20Presented%20Papers/ picture%20Management/ high life%20Brand%20Strategy%20of%20Louis%20Vuitton. pdf * http//veronique. estienne. free. fr/doc/SLIDE. htm